Sunday, July 22, 2007

MBA thoughts

So I got the new job at the market, and it's going really well. I mean really well. I've had an average of a job offer a week since it began. Some I've taken. Almost all of them involve advising start-up companies in one form or another, which is fine and has worked so far, but I feel a bit of a fraud. I don't have much experience, and I don't have any qualifications.

Hence MBA. Wash U is interested in having me, I just need to sit the GMAT and get a decent result. I hummed and hawed for about a week and have come to the conclusion that I should just sit the test - if it goes badly, I'll write off the whole idea. If it goes well, then I have a cunning plan...

On a completely different topic, I leave to sell the comic book at 6.00am on Wednesday. The portfolios are looking good, and there are only a couple of small things to do to make it fly. I want this to work so very much.