Saturday, April 15, 2006


Last night I went over to Carbondale with a couple of freinds to play in the LARP over there. The game was fun. I drove. One of the guys with me needed to be at work at 5.00am. We usually get home at about 4.00. Last night we left earlier than usual and I put my foot down a little (although I confess the putting the foot down wasn't more than usual...I tend to drive a little too quickly).

We were on our way home on Route 3 and had just come over the bridge into MO when I was pulled over by a policeman. I've never been pulled over here before and I was a little nervous. The policeman was nice and pointed out I was going to fast. I was, I didn't dispute it. He asked for all our ID's. One of the guys in the car works for the police mending the radios. He handed over his police ID (and his army ID) as well as his driver's licence. The police officer ran our ID's to make sure we weren't fugatives and send us on our way. No ticket. No nothing. Amazing.

I suspect a little professional courtesy was employed. I deserved the ticket. Lucky, lucky, lucky.

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