Thursday, February 16, 2006

Where I am From

I am from Marmalade,

from Scones and Cream

I am from the old stone house

(Dusty, haunted

heat fought with snow in the chimney)

I am from the meadow

the tall grasses

gone to seed

and to hayfever

I’m from baking and bad jokes

from Robert and Rose

I’m from the dress for dinner and the

demon drink

From fairies at the bottom of the garden

and Ginny in the stream

I’m from Myths and Legends,

I’m from rolling hills and witchcraft,

sandwiches and cake,

From the tales my Grandmother told

no one knowing where real stopped,

the house my mother bought

in secret, with no one knowing at all.

From the writing desk filled with paper

pictures and photographs

letters in diaries

stories mixed with life

I am from grow up too fast

but always believe in magic

This was a template poem I filled out about a year ago, I came across it today and still liked it, a rare thing in my poetry. Anyway, if you would like the template I can post it another day.

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